Sunday, April 3, 2011

The X100 photographic competition

Hi there,

Since it has been announced I have been looking at all the specs of the new Fujifilm X100 camera with envy.
It is a very nice and light camera, rangefinder style.
And most of the reviews about it are saying some very good things about it.

So when a photographer in America started to run a worldwide contest that has this very camera as the first prize, I got really interested in it.
And being some kind of passionate about fishing I wanted to enter a fishing  photo...

Here is my entry:

Port Melbourne, Australia, 2002.

The rules to this contest are very simple and there is no entries fees.
The only thing that the organiser ask is that you link to his website from your own site.
So here is the link to his site:

You should check it out, and maybe enter...

So yes I know, with just one old image in black and white, in a world wide contest, my chances are pretty slimes.

But hey, it could be worse.
Have a good day,


Cyril M said...

Intéressant ce petit joujou, ca donne envie...pratique pour le voyage !
Tres chouette photo, tu as toutes tes chances, good luck !

Rambling Expat said...

Oui, et pour l'instant tous les tests le donne comme un tres tres bon boitier...
Merci pour le kind comment.
Et toi, tu a mis qu'elle photo dans la competition?

Bises a vous deux,